Our Investment Philosophy
Our investment philosophy is the guiding principle of everything we do. We have an unwavering commitment to our four key principles.

What: Global opportunities
Portfolios with global exposure can benefit from the broad opportunity set of global markets. With the global reach of HSBC, we can deliver these opportunities to you.

How: Disciplined approach
A sound investment strategy needs to be designed around you, incorporate long-term and short-term market opportunities, be implemented with your preferences in mind, and regularly reviewed.

Who: Open architecture
We believe expertise is critical to successful investing. We draw from a broad spectrum of HSBC and third-party talent when identifying investments suited to your needs.

Risk management
We use the principles of diversification and strategic asset allocation with the aim of shaping portfolios that deliver attractive potential rewards compared to the inherent risks.
The Best of Wealth
We use a strategic wealth advisory framework to help clients build the right investment portfolio.
Well-defined approaches to implement your investment portfolio:

Wealth Goals & Investment Objectives
Analysis of your financial situation with your RM & IC to agree your investment objectives and determine your investment profile

Asset allocation
Design of your long-term Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) aligned with your risk profile, supplemented with tactical positions (TAA) based on current market views and opportunities

Portfolio Construction & Implementation
Recommendations tailored to fit your portfolio and your preferences using a variety of HSBC and third-party investment vehicles and managers

Monitor and Rebalance
Active monitoring of your portfolio, offering you deep and impactful insights. Constant rebalancing to ensure you are on top of the market trends and provide recommendations

Portfolio Review & Reporting
Regular investment reviews, market commentary, performance and cash flow reports on your portfolio