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In the know: Where to start when planning to sell your business

Selling your Business

3 actions to take away

  1. Have a clear story: Think about why you want to sell and what would make your business appealing to you if you were the buyer
  2. Understand your options: You built and managed your business; you can still determine what happens next.
  3. Surround yourself with good people: This is a big decision. Involve and prepare those who’ve helped you manage and make the business what it is today

Your business has come a long way, you’ve invested a huge amount to make it a success. And now it’s time to sell. Or at least be ready when an offer you can’t refuse lands at your door. We’ve helped thousands of business owners like you. Here are the key questions every business owner should ask themselves.

Your business is our business. HSBC Global Private Banking has a long history of helping business owners prepare and manage plans for business succession or exit. Contact us or your Relationship Manager and start a conversation today

Read more about selling your business here.

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