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Where to start with wealth planning 

You’ve built up your wealth. Now what to do with it. You might already know or have a long term goal but you’re unsure where to start. We take a look at what to consider when starting to plan the future of your wealth.

There are lots of different ways we can define wealth. To help structure your plans consider both your financial and your non-financial wealth. Financial assets like cash, investment portfolios, real estate and a family business could be front of mind. You may also want to consider protecting your non-financial wealth such as your family’s reputation and social capital, family history, traditions, and even your legacy. Listing what you want to protect is a great first step to securing its future.


  1. Take time to make a comprehensive list that reflects your own unique circumstances. What do you want covered and protected? There are no right or wrong answers, just the basis for discussion.
  2. Next, establish your current position. What’s on your personal balance sheet? Consider your income statement including surplus income and outgoings. Be realistic. Ask yourself whether capital drawdowns are required to maintain your required cash flow day to day? Consider the full spectrum that will help add clarity for the next stage.
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